Data sharing policy
At JBE we believe that original and novel research is vitally important, so too are the studies that follow to confirm or repudiate their findings.
We also believe in the creative re-use of data. Allowing other researchers access to the data that you have collected considerably extends its value. Creative re-use offers the opportunity to validate your findings as well as exploring new ways of using it. It also means that funding bodies and patients involved in the research see their initial investment grow.
Like other journals starting to build upon the value of data sharing and publishing, we would like to you to indicate your willingness to share your protocol, dataset and the statistical code used for your analysis with other authors. We encourage authors who publish secondary analysis to use the same Creative Commons licence that we use; encouraging ongoing open access to your data and the knowledge derived from it.
We strongly encourage you to discuss sharing your data on the JBE website with our Editorial team after we have accepted your paper. We look forward to working together on this exciting open initiative.